Faculty Publications (2018-2019)

S.No Faculty Name of Conference Type of Conference Title of Paper Dates Host Institution
1 K. Murali Third International Conference on Electrical,Electronics,c ommunication Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT) International Block Consecutive Minimization Method with Wireless Energy Harvesting Relays 14-12-2018 & 15-12-2018 GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mysuru.

Workshops Conducted by ECE Department(2018-2019)

S.No Name of Workshop Dates Name of Institution/Organization Name of Resource Person
1 VLSI Design using Xilinx /EDA Tools 21-1-2019 To 8-2-2019 APPLY VOLT K.Pradeep, Application Engineer
2 C Design using Mentor Graphics Tools 10-12-2018 To 14-12-2018 APPLY VOLT K.Pradeep, Application Engineer
3 B Design 7-9-2018 To 11-9-2018 Micro Links PeriPherals Pvt.Ltd V. Govinda Rao

Faculty Participation in Workshops & FDP's(2018-2019)

S.No Name of Faculty Name of Program Title of Program Dates Host Institution
1 Y. Sirisha Two week Summer Faculty Development ProgrammeA A Two week Summer Faculty Development Course for Important Engineering Subjects 02-05-2019 to 15-05-2019 JNTUK, Kakinada
2 K. Murali AICTE-FDP Evolution of Air Interface Towards 5G JAN-APR 2019 NPTEL
3 K. Satya Durga AICTE-FDP Introduction to Internet of Things JAN-APR 2019 NPTEL
4 K. Prasuna Workshop One day workshop on SCILAB 04-05-2019 IIT,Bombay
5 K. Murali Workshop One day workshop on SCILAB 04-05-2019 IIT,Bombay
6 K. Prasuna Workshop Art of Writing Research Project Proposals 24-04-2019 Vellamal Engineering College,Chennai
7 K. Murali Workshop Art of Writing Research Project Proposals 24-04-2019 Vellamal Engineering College,Chennai
8 Y. Sirisha Microship Academy RTC Instructor Training Basic Level Instructor Training Program 15-04-2019 & 16-04-2019 SRKIT, Vijayawada
9 R. Divya Microship Academy RTC Instructor Training MCU using PIC32 Instructor Training Program 17-04-2019 to 20-04-2019 SRKIT, Vijayawada
10 K. Satya Durga Microship Academy RTC Instructor Training MCU using PIC32 Instructor Training Program 17-04-2019 to 20-04-2019 SRKIT, Vijayawada
11 M. Siva RamaLakshmi Instructor Professional Development CCNA 25-02-2019 to 01-03-2019 CISCO
12 K. Prasuna Seminar Research and Innovation in Engineering and Technology 17-12-2018 GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mysuru
13 K. Prasuna FDP Recent Advances on Communications and Signal Processing 29-10-2018 to 04-11-2018 NR Institute of Technology, Agiripalli
14 B. Jyothi Workshop Global Competitiveness JNANABHERI 20-09-2018 IndiraGandhi Municipal Stadium, Vijayawada
15 K. Divya Webinar RTL Design and Functional Verification 21-08-2018 Vijaya Institute of Technology For Women
16 K. Murali Seminar Education and Research 29-06-2018 NI Bangalore

Workshops Conducted by ECE Department(2018-2019)

S.No Speaker Designation Institution/University/Org. Dates Title of Seminar Venue
1. Mr. A. Venkata Krishna Technical Head Qsocs Technologies 13.03.2019 Trends in VLSI Design Vijaya Institute of Technology for Women
2. Mr.Srinivas MD Triumphant Institute of Management Education (T.I.M.E.) 18.12.2018 How to crack Bank / Insurance / SSC CGL / RRB Exams & ICET Vijaya Institute of Technology for Women
3. Mr.Venkateswa ra Reddy Udumula CEO WorldWide Edu Consultants 23.08.2018 Higher Education Vijaya Institute of Technology for Women
4. Dr.Kumar Annavarapu CEO AS COUNCIL 23.08.2018 Higher Education in USA Required Skills and awareness Workshop Vijaya Institute of Technology for Women
5. Mr. Karthik CMD ACE Engineering Academy 25.07.2018 Awareness on GATE Vijaya Institute of Technology for Women
6. Dr. Kumar Annavarapu Founder and CEO of Maven Silicon Bengaluru, Semiconductors Maven Silicon,Bangalore 06.07.2018 RTL Design and functional Verification Vijaya Institute of Technology for Women